President Trump

     As most of you may know, these past two weeks have been some of the most politically violent times in American history. It all starts though with our very own president. Donald Trump has now been president for a full term and has made a lot of noise towards the end of his legacy. President Trump has some of the most loyal followers as well so the whole situation doesn't really make any sense. Why would people go out of their way to support a man who couldn't care less about them? This question was raised highly after a group of white nationalists and republicans stormed the United States Capital building. In most countries, this act would end in a slaughter of civilians and would possibly cause a civil war between a country. What was funny about this was this was not the fact they were granted permission to overthrow the capital, the leader of our country was the root cause behind it. For months this raid had been planned by Trump supporters all over the country. Now you may ask, what does this have to do with veteran affairs? Well it doesn't relate directly, but let me explain. This event has caused thousands of troops to be shipped to the capital for protection. Why are our troops being used as a pawn for our country when we should be putting all this petty left and right BS away and just start trying to actually make our country great again. This attention not only takes away from veteran support, but all other major conflicts we should be dealing with.


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