Veteran's in the news!
Greetings. I know I haven't been posting like I should be recently but with school and graduation right around the corner, I haven't had much time to blogging and seeing what's been going on in the veterans world! Covid has taken a turn for the better which is something that I never thought I would say. President Biden has been getting vaccines out like no tomorrow. Every adult after April 19th will have access to a vaccine that will keep you safe from the deadly coronavirus. Numbers in cases have gone down dramatically as well. We were averaging more than three thousand cases a day but that has dropped significantly. Now you may ask, what does Covid-19 has to do with Veterans. I'll tell you why. The more lives and attention Covid takes, the less attention and support our veterans get from our country. Our veterans are in desperate need right now and the longer Covid continues, the longer Veterans will suffer.
More than 50% of our veterans are over the age of 60, which means they are at risk, especially for Covid-19. Not only that, many veterans are disabled and can't work for themselves anymore to support their own livelihood, so the country must support them through welfare and financial aid. These funds have begun to cut short in volume, due to the immense of money being spent by our country to either help other countries, get vaccines out, or just giving it to the rich and just letting their massive amounts of money grow even more. With president Biden though, I feel that veterans have a much brighter future down the road once our country gets back on its feet. I see a summer ahead for us and please, if you want to reach out to me or ask me a question, don't hesitate. I will always be here for you and will always put my passion for veterans first.
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