What's going on in the world of Veterans?

Nothing major in the veterans world has changed, shocker but there was a lot of news going around this past week that I think all of you should know. In recent news, a group of thirteen domestic terrorists were found arrested for their plan to kidnap Michigan's democratic state governor, Gretchen Whitmer. Many have been found guilty but await their day in court. The interesting, or intriguing thing about the whole scandal was two former marines were part of the heist. Details have yet to come out on the case but the fact that two young former marines were apart of this makes it very odd. Chances are they were in charge of the operation due to their military training and tactics but as the case continues more information will hopefully emerge. In more recent news, President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden were asked a series of questions on veteran affairs. The questions ranged from a wide variety that made each presidential candidate answer thoroughly with a written and verbal response. Before I dive into the questions, I want to explain to my readers why the president has so much to do with Veteran affairs. Veteran affairs is solely based off funding from the government and taxpayers money. So the only way Veterans can get the support they need is through government help. There are several ways to increase Veteran funding but the way I feel that is most beneficial is by a presidential request to congress to pass a bill. President Trump, who has claimed to have Veteran care at the top of his list, has done very limited work towards his word. Covid-19 has put a twist on everything this past year and made everyone's life harder, so I understand that it isn't a priority at the time. That being said, Veteran affairs has never been this country's top priority so I fear nothing will be done without a change in president. I could really care less what party or what side the president is on, as long as they tell me what they will do, with a plan along with it, has my vote.  


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