Update on Veterans!

 As many of you may know, there is a lot of controversy going on in the United States. As a part time writer and full time student, I usually tend to stay away from topics that don't concern veteran affairs. I do this for many reasons, which I won't get into for many reasons but I'll tell you my main and most important one. Care for veterans shouldn't be optional period and most definitely shouldn't be at risk for losing money and care just because of politicians and their selfish needs. Many would blame our current president right now but pointing fingers and saying she said he said is not only going to lack funding and attention towards our brave men and women, but is just simply straight childish. Granted, the United States is at one of its toughest times when it comes to politics and choosing between what's right and what's wrong, we must come together right now if we want any chance in saving our country. Covid-19 has put all of us through something we never thought could happen but it has and is endangering our veterans that are seeing their last days. President Trump has been in office for almost one whole term and has still turned a blind eye to veterans, especially in a time of need. According to "TheAtlantic.com", president Trump when asked about veterans who had died for our country, he referred to them as "losers" and "suckers". Donald Trump out of all people really isn't the man to say those words. From tax evasion, to dodging the draft, to several divorces in his lifetime. This man promised hope for veterans but has not put forth any effort in standing up for them.

Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are 'Losers' and 'Suckers ...



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